Top-notch Christian philosopher, theologian, and apologist William Lane Craig has a somewhat interesting (but believable) stance on homosexuality and Christianity.
His basic contention is that whether or not a person is homosexual, he or she should not act on those desires. He essentially goes further and says that the Bible doesn't necessarily concern itself with sexual orientation but rather on sexual practice. In that sense, someone could (Craig is not making the case that people can/cannot be homosexual by orientation, he's just being hypothetical and saying if) be homosexual from their genetic make-up, but as long as he/she does not act on those genetically-based feelings in a homosexual manner, no sin is committed.
What do you guys think? Is this a fair assumption? Does orientation matter? Is homosexuality even a sin?
Please respect the stance of others; let's be mature.
Good point
I think this is an interesting thought. I believe that homosexuality is a sin just as any other. We all have things in our life that we must fight against (some people struggle with alcohol, others with porn, maybe some with their temper.) I think that the struggle itself is not the sin, rather the sin comes when you act on the struggle. For example, BEING an alcoholic is not the sin, drinking too much is the sin.
In this case, I believe this is the same thing. The sin comes when you act on it.
I think this is an interesting thought. I believe that homosexuality is a sin just as any other. We all have things in our life that we must fight against (some people struggle with alcohol, others with porn, maybe some with their temper.) I think that the struggle itself is not the sin, rather the sin comes when you act on the struggle. For example, BEING an alcoholic is not the sin, drinking too much is the sin.
Well, I think it's a sin no matter what.
I agree with William Lane Craig's comments. Until you act upon a sin a sin has not been committed. I don't condone homosexuality, but do I believe it is just another sin. Once you've committed the sin the only way to be forgiven is to repent or turn away from the sin.
I think there is a lot more that goes into the sin than simply the action of the sin. I would agree that struggling with a sin and committing a sin are two different things but we are still struggling with it. We can't take for granite the things that lead to the struggle. The issues behind the struggle is what keeps us struggling. Is the thought of the sin less sinful than the sin being committed? What lies in our hearts and minds oftern determine our lifestyle. God takes control of those so that our lifestyle is Him. As far as homosexuality is concerned, whether it is chosen or embedded within one, I dont believe orientation matters because God is above that. Is saying Im a homosexual but I dont practice because I am a Christian really better for a person? Or is it more important to say I am a Christian therfore I allow God to shape me into His righteousness.
Nice blog Tyler! I wish you the best my friend.
I would say that Craig is simply saying that all of us have a genetic predisposition to sin (i.e. sin nature). It is not the predisposition that is the issue, but whether we act on it. Everyone agrees there.
Homosexual lusts(in thought and deed) are just as sinful as heterosexual lusts. Jesus said that to have even looked at a woman lustfully is to commit adultery in the heart.
The glorious thing about Jesus is that He is not looking for a perfect person to save...that He does all the work for us!
Jillian, thanks. I think agree with what you are saying.
Anonymous, what do you mean struggling with a sin and committing a sin are two different things? I'm just trying to better understand your stance.
I believe struggling with the sin is different with commiting the sin. Obivously in commiting the sin there is an action associated with that sin. Struggling with a sin is a battle on being tempted with the sin whether the an action follows or not. My main point which was not that clear would be that there are struggles that lead to the commiting of a sin and instead of focusing on the committed sin I believe the important thing to focus on is the struggles that lead to the action of sin. By helping others overcome their struggles they are better prepared when the temptation actually presented towards them. All done through the grace of God of course.
Remember that a sin is not solely based on what you do. If you think about adultery, you've already committed it. Sound familiar? You need a clean mind and a clean heart. The way to do that is tough and comes with time, perseverance in the Lord's way, and a lot of self correction. Work. Work. Work. There is no other way. God cannot help you if you don't first help yourself. You show Him your love, He will show it back, every time.
Someone can easily have a "genetic makeup" that leans them towards homosexual tendency, just as I have a tendency towards lust or anger or pride. But that doesn't make it ok, the excuse that we are victims of sin and it makes us sin is a useless premise.
that is an intresting thing Tyler, I agree with it. Because alcohalism is also a genetic disorder. Just like a person can be born with a predispostion towards excessive drinking a person can have the same predispostion towards homosexuality. And just like A person who has alcohalism should avoid drinking A person suffering from this should avoid anything that has connotations to this life style
alot of good points have been said. i would add that grace changes our actions by changing our dispositions( instantly and gradually) as well.Not yielding to the sinful tendencies in our heart also gradually changes our disposition. That is what is involved in renewal and recreation and motivation. Sanctification is both in the inner man as well as the outer.( 1 Thess 5:230). Also not only is sin (lust,immorality) committed when there are outward deeds against God but when inordinate desires cherished in the heart.Thus we are to be equally commited to fighting sin in deed as well as in thought.(COl 3:5)
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